YWelcome ,
This is my blog ,
detest it kindly press the cross above .
ALways love & understand your enemies ,
never underestimate them .
-My love , my fate❤
When the rain is pouring down,
And my heart is hurting.
You will always be around,
This I know for certain.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
14 days :)r77
Fuckin fuck lorhs .
so pek chei today . >:/
in the morning woke up , everibody left home .
left mi all alone , used to it bahs .
then weikang cor ,sms
then he came my house , hav to pay his cab .
sianns lurhs . then he helped mi dye hair .
siceking lor he , dhunno hw to dye .
help he dye gurt colour , mine dhun hab
asshole ! x[
then dye wn ler .
he gtg home , gurt probation .
he abit sicko lorhs . kip on sai hungry almost all the food in mi hse
all kena eaten by him . no wonder he so fat :x
then xiao nick cor .
iyarhs he wan mit yenping dhen tok dhere tok here
mi tongue freakin pain norhs .
as i was suspecting gurt infection
so i let it go . i gek xim lorhs . x(
burt at least i get to eat nd speak properly
and nw mi tongue is getter better so is mi teeth
lame ehs ? aft take out one barbell
everiythin is fine
burt mi mind is nrut fine .
ahh watever !
tupid zhen rui larhs . kip on sai will infection
fuck fuck fuck fuck !!!! all becos of his smelly mouth !
his mouth is indeed smelly xD
then eat maggie mee
kb .
mother cum bak
elder brother kip on kbkp
stae at home oso rong . sai i make mess of the hse
go out ask mi go home
wad yoo all wn mi do !
die betta lurhs
kaos !~
mi fimally shucks larhs "
one day , wen i am gone yoo all dhun regret larhs .
all your cb mouth stiu cn sai i die betta
tmr i go out giv yoo all c ,
Early early go out .
no la take moeny first ! :D
so myble tme gg bugis
shop shop shop :D
burt densie dhunwn go !
burt tmr i am shure forcing her . i dhun kaire !
mi family sucks
todae i saw weikang cry ! ?! OMG .
carnt belived i gert to c a guy vry fer a girl
hrmm . dat prove nth .
: )
so gekk xiimm !~
mi older brother shucks larhs . ~ go hongan larhs .!cb kiah
Monday, May 29, 2006
feeling bored so jus blog .
stiu got 15 mre days till me birthdays .
shld i be happy or wad .?
i dhunno x[
i am in progess to be alone and be independent :]
i am just nurt used to be without him , hows ?
i dhunno . haiish . i am so luan
iii wishh time cld turn back and i will learn to cherish HIM .
burt everithing is just too late .
i just feel everiwan is so happy
and i the only wn standing alone in a dark dark corner .
all alone .
atho time past so fast and we hab been seprated fer month's
but uu stiu remain in mi heart .
sumtimes , when i nurt doing anithing
i start to tink off uu nd mie the memories .
why , why would't uu tell mi uu were happy at mi sumtimes .
why yoo have to keep to urselff nd one day uu explode nd
canut take it . nd all gone....
i reaali regret uu know ?
wad the use of saying nw .
all over ler ..
nw just hope everything go smoothly on mii birthday .
i oreadi sad lerhs . cosh yenping carnt celebrate birthdae wit mi .
she has to go thailand . haishh
gonna miss her .
time passes so fast .
is been 3 days , i pirece mi tongue
stiu gurt abit pain
swollen has gone down .
like siying oweas sai : why am i stiu waitng fer thing which is immpossible '.
haiish . lets wait till mi birthdays barhs . carnt wait ^^
i be oweas blogging nd countdwn till mi birthday . hehhs !
i wan to be a happy gerl lehs . !
hope god can grant mi wish ? ^^
i belived i cn a happy gerl . :D
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Can you name 13 people you can think of right off from the top of your head ? Anyone you're thinking of, in no order. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people.
Absolutely NO cheating ! No switching of positions of the names on the list as well. Ready ? Start
1. eileen
2. siying
3. denise
4. huilin
5. pingy
6. xinhui
7. edwin
8. nicholas
9. cherylene
1o. millie
11. jingjie
12. xiaonick
13. xiaoeric
The Questions :
1. How did you meet 13 ? - thru frwend at causeway point :]
2. What would you do if you NEVER met 6 - i will nurt be so cheerful . cosh she brighthen mi . :]
3. What would you do if 2 & 9 dated ? - hahhs . they cnaut be dating cosh cherylene is mine =x
4. Did you ever like 8 ? - CHOI .! nopes his mi kor
5. Would 1 and 5 be a good couple ? - they cn be good frwend nurt couple
6. Is number 11 a gay or lesbian ? - erm his has kor ,so dhun tink is a gay bahs .
7. Would you tell secrets to 4 ? - yepps
8. What is your first memory of 3 ? - hrmm lots larhs
9. Do you know any of 1's family members ? - nopes
1o What is 10 favourite color ? - pink i tink ?
11. What would you do if 9 confessed he/she liked you ? -yeash cosh she mi laogong x]
12. What language does 3 speak ? - chi nd eng lurhs .
13. Who is 9 going out with ? - no wants
14. What grade is 12 in ? - hahhs . sec 2 burt i same height as him x]
15. When did you last see 7 ? - ytd
16. What is 5's favourite band ? - . she everithin oso like
17. Would you ever date 3 ? - no lruhs she mi jie lehs
18. Is number 1 HOT ? - hrmm . chio lruhs
19. Is 12 single ? - no lurhs . he has pingy :]
2o. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 1 ? - CRZIENESS
21. What school does 8 go to ? - MARSILING
22. What's 4's best physical features ? - SHOUTING
23. Are 7 & 8 best friends? - YEPS
24. Is 8 a boy or girl - GIRL LARHS XDDDD
25. Who is 5 in love with ? - XIAO NICK NICK =X
26. What is your last memory of 7 ? - I SPAR WIF HIM ?
27. Have you ever hooked up with 4 ? - LAMENESS
28. What is the funniest memory of 8 ? - AT SEMBAWANG . HE BECUM SOT PLUG
29. What is your relationship with 6 ? - DARLING
3o. How old is 13 ? - 17
31. How close are you with 1 ? - REAL CLOSE . :]
32. Would you sleep with 12 ? - CRAZIE NESS
33. What is your favourite memory with 3 ? - SHE SONG MI GO HOME XD
34. Who's 11 best friends with ? - SZE AKI
35. What's your favourite thing about 2 ? -SHE'S TOK TO YOO SERIOUS WEN YOO REAL SAD.
fer details on sat go read huilin blog or ping's blog :]
i am lazy .
dhun blame fer dat .
wahkakaks ~
Friday, May 26, 2006
ff yoyoyo !
I'am back with my blogginq's
tudae wnt to school ,
saw ziting lan jiao bin face . EEEE *
and grace aspect me to sit with her .?
NO WAY ! :]
then lots of free lesson . exam over marhs :D
then acc jolene a while . she a bite sad sad .
then went bak to class .
mrs tee .so cn skip :]
then collect mi report book
i failed 3 subject , i did real badly .
burt i gurt a postion 27/39
situ ok huh ?
grace mei gurt 17 *pro horhs ? :]
christinia mei gurt 34 *work harder bahs . :]
then waited itll bell ring .
then wen to ping classroom outside .
waited ....
yi bian read dong qiong report .
nurt bad .! x]
then ying cum otus
return dong qiong report boook
ping did't did quite well
aniwae try hard lorhs .
ying she was good cans .
she hab all passes
and class postion 7/40
*claps hand*
slack oputisde 137 .
then edwin george jolene millie came
cause shermaine nd isabel gg court .
then in the end nbr go .
burt they are save .
grats !
then went cwp .
saw cherylene mi nd ying immedialety go hug hug
then si xiao nick go make ying cry .
all becaus eof a lied . !
then at carvarna slack .
then xiao nick cuminq
ping arhs kip on sae go seprated . so freakin dulan >;/
go interhcanged return her spec .
jus cor her naem yenping
nd she ask mi :zhou kuai dian zhou
then i was lyk so freakin super du lan lerhs ? >;[
then i ji tao walk away .
then mi nd ying went dwn . xiao ncik came
so frekain zhe ark lor nbr tok tuh ying
then we went fragance fetch denise
then came bak cwp
heard zhen rui nd taizi eat yao .
so worry
corh yenping ask her wad happen
she aks mi dhun ask so much . *dulan dulan dulan !!!!!
then mi nd nise nd ying went vista
rianinq heavily
we went block shoppinq
fer short form ; cope umbrellas
it was fun
ying wei ler nick kena rain
mi is wei ler HIM kena rain
nise most ke lian . is wei ler nobody
reahc ler soakinq wet .
heard ying nd taizi stead
abite dulan >;[
kick the dustbin
ying cry till kumopua jialat
and i was lyk go otuside then gurt rui scolded
lyk i so wu gu lorhs
then i cry .then edwin daddi nd nichoals
told mi he sei .
ok lurhs . aft dhar i noe nicholas kip on bully denise
zhne rui nd daddi nd taizi bully mi
they sei cum bully mi
i ANGRI ! >:[
kena om mani om!
dhenw ent cck walk walk wit nise nd ying
we tok a lot at bus
secret *shhhhh !
tok to yenping onlien
dhen nw head pain gastric nd sore throat
i am dyeinq
booos ~
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Yyoyoyo ! :]
so hartts isaac nd huilin marmie they help mi edit blog .
thks to them *maucks !
so anyway , gonna blog about yesterday .
i was sleepinq so soudly till my handfone rang ,
guess who was it ? aaron kor x]
he lame . so asked cor bak a few hrs laterhs
tot he will nurt , burt he did
awwww's~ carnt sleep late
hab to wake up , on com nd chat wif him
kelian the mie *booos ~
so aniwae chatted , brush my teeth
then nise onlien , so askin her gurt go outs .
she mitinq mie marhs
so she was skinq wan her to cum yew tee fetch mie ?
then i sae alright lorhs :]
so i so gan chong
tryinq mie best to do thing as fast as i can . x]
dhen off the comp gg to go outs
xiao nick corh , askinq wher was i
i told him home lurhs .
we chatted till we reached the mrt
denise so funni . tokinq cock wif him :DD
so densie wanted tuh tok to mie .
so hold xiao nick corhs .
hold dao so long , dhen i rmb his wason the fone
so qwuickly get back on his line .
iyarhs told him laterh dhen cor him lurhs .
so irratainq him =x
so reach cwp
took sum neoprints . took bad carnt put at comp
it would be nice yoo noe .
espically the hello kitty :DD
dhen mi nd densie went titanic go find xiao niao wang (nicholas neo)
densie help him qiu x]
nd cherylene mi laogong :)
in the end nrut there
dey went up's
so went up saw ying dey alls .
dhen slack rnd cwp
dhen all slwoly went home
left mi denise , cherylene, xiao niao wang , millie , eileen ,xinhui ,zhen rui
then sumthing happen narhs .
dhen aft dat densie stead came , dhen densie went bye bye =[
slack rnd titanic . kumpua sieen yoo noe .
then zhen rui went home
gud arhs !
=x .
dehn wen tuth tianic
zachkery came dhuno hw tuh spell x]
went uth buy food
eat at titanic .
then went cavanr sit sit
yenping corh chatted wif ehr
mi , eileen , xinhui took sum crazie foto
foto-siao !
dhen eillen xin hui go lerhs . they gg to pub . tata's !
then mi cherlyene xiao niao wang . song mi go mrt dhen went home
tired .
dhen chatted on foen wit ping while first line was aaron
i try tuh conference burt stubborn yenping did't wn
haish . hw to help nerhs .
frm nw on i gonna be single :D single best lurhs !
dhen aaron kor sai wn corh bak in the mroninq oso no hab
ok lurhs myble laterh gg outs .
c first norhs :]
misses !
rr i am beinq bore :[
okks . so tommrow ii hab to go school .
sianns .! nd plus tomrrow xiao nick is fetchinq yinngx .
hahhs . feelinq does changed fast eh .?
bur ti dhun like him lerhs . x]
sumpa lorhs !
gua ji gua lampa . :x
denise jie nd aaron kor taught mii .
hehhs .
i am guessinq i stiu love *HIM
he giv mi qudd memeories yoo know .
atho some ppl will sai ''he tis type will giv memeories ?''
i will say yes . :]
haiish . quess he nurt goona come baq to mi animre .nurt ever .
hehhs . guess gonna hab to xi guan yi ge ren shen huo again . :]
well , i am sure i can do it .
As the saying goes , nothing in tis world is forever .
it apply to relationship , for mi larhs .
burt frendship it does nrut appy
i carnt belived , i will be blogging dis kind thing
sooner or after i hab to pass pass lerhs .
hehhs secret horhs =x
yenping cartn sae i am same boat as yoo .
cosh yoo hab a mysterious guy who love yoo so much that he willinq to scarfied
anythinq fer your love .
so yenping , yoo are consider lucky :)
As fer mie , i am consider the happy-go-lucky type
anitime sad or happy
used to it ler .
cut ye cut before ler , cry ye cry before lerhs .
tis hab to all stop
guess ia m goona start afresh
no more on a hunt to find true love .
cosh ture love does'nt exsit
if i msut say.
No matter yoo giv mi how mani examples of happy couples .
i situ belived true love does not exsit .
i now say i will nrut find stead lerhs . nurt cause i ferget HIM
i am in progess fergetinq HIM
i belived i can do it . :)
jus that i dhun dare take the risk animore
lyk people say no risk , how to find out ?
i will sae, is better dhun find outs .
nobody get hurt
God is playinq on mi
i guess god myble helpinw mi or sumthin?
myble he did't wn mi to get hurt ?
myble , myble nort .
densie found her love or iszit true
i dhuno .
As fer sze kai and jolene
i cn sai , Girls jus wanted their one nd onli boy to love them nd pamper them and their attention
iszit that hard ?
hahhs .
Love was sweet at first , But bitter in the end .
sumthing jus hab to come till an end .
so i guess nothing is forever .
i am givinq up on love lerhs . :]
forever love :)
爱你, 不是因为你的美和影 我越来越爱你, 每个眼神触动我的心 因为你让我看见forever 才了解自己, 未来这些日子 要好好珍惜 爱我 有些痛苦有些不公平 如果真的爱我 不是理所当然的决定 感到你的呼吸在我耳边 像微风深情 温柔的安抚, 我的不安定 所以我要 每年研究你的笑容 wo~~ 多么自然 forever love forever love 我只想用我这一辈子去爱你 从今以后, 你会是所有 幸福的理由 爱情, 是场最美最远的旅行 沿途遇经泥泞 偶尔阻碍我们的前进 感到你的体温在我怀里 像阳光和煦 巧妙的熔化 我的不安定 不可思议 证明我爱你的理由 wo 多么自然forever love forever love 我只想用我这一辈子去爱你 从今以后, 你会是所有 幸福的理由 爱情, 是场最美最远的旅行 沿途遇经泥泞 偶尔阻碍我们的前进 感到你的体温在我怀里 像阳光和煦 巧妙的熔化 我的不安定 不可思议 证明我爱你的理由 wo 你感动的眼睛, 我沉默的声音, 仿佛就是最好的证明 就让我再说一次 ilove you ~~ 直到永远 oh forever love我只想用我这一辈子去爱你 从今以后, 你会是所有 幸福的理由 forever love forever love forever love .
I X3 Jowena Chua.Yenping was here.:Dwww.yenping-.blogspot.com
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Yoyoyoyo ~
tudae so fun :]
tudae EEP slept at class abit sians .
then ms chew woke me up's
sians .
dehn it was english , karen Ong .
stand fer half period ? sianns i tell yoo.
then it was science , havin lesson halfway
saw jolene nd boon chong bird
then i jus ran out of the class accompany themy
walk walk , :]
then for a while went bak class .
nxt lesson art lehs , huilin otld mi ms Tan Huilin
gonna teach mi lorhs
indeed , she teach -.-
dhen she was firece dhen Karen Ong .x]
dhen home econ , chatted wit Ms Ng
she gud lorhs
i snatch wif her mi handfone , she wnated tuh confiscated
burt int he end nopes , x]
cosh i help do tihng lehs
ehehehs ~!!
then dong qiong outside class waited for me ,
saw sze kai he so late cum tuh sch
i soclded him for hurtin jolene *BOOOS ~
saw huilin , tgt go 137 no saw yenping nd yinggx
dhen eat maggie corh nicholas neo ,
aft a while they came , eileen !
laterh went 131 shermaine nd ping nd ying george dere
went tuh cwp
slack ~~~~~~~!!!!!!
mit mi cherylene laogong
she told her problems .
then sze kai nd jolene patch so happi them
wit mi blessinq they will last . :]
aft dat is another couple :layyinq nd jingjie kor
bless demy too~! *HELLUJAH
aft dhar all slowly went home left :
zhen rui , denise , eileen ,xin hui , boon chong
we took lots of foto till we laugh lyk siao char bor
zhen rui dhuno hw tuh take pic's lorhs
we were laughinq lyk all the wae till outside cwp
dhen mi nd nsie took mrt tuh yew tee nise gg tuh mit her stead
saw sharina
finally saw her !! she so cute kans ?
nd she sai mi cute *pui
her voice so swit ^^
tok tuh her a while
dhen she went off at marsilinq
dhen saw yenping mother
tok to her dhen at yew tee get dwn
dhen nise song mi go home
dhen she wit her stead wnet home tgt .
they so lovinq kans ? xD
bless demy too
so mani lovinq couples tudae .
As for me ?
i guess SINGLE best .
hehhs .~
ohya nd one mroe couple
mi nu-er sharmaine
she stead wit xiao eric !
mi son inlaw worhs ! ><>
Jowena love beinq single
dhun tarnish the name of beinq SINGLE !!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
haben been blogginq fer mani mani days ,
sieens :[
yoo noe time passes veri fast ,
why do good hav to plae mi outts .
he hab feelinq fer mi , which i dhun
dhen nw i hab feelinq , he dhun
cn i lyk jus Die ?
why do i oweas hab tuh post sad things
myble blog is tuh giv mi post sad thing
ok , i am tokin tuh no wher xD
nicholas neo sai ask mi to cherish him at first place
burt i did't ,nw GONE*POOOF
ok so ltstok abt ytd .
mit nicholas neo go lots 1
buy barbell nd hollow pin
he wanted to pircec tongue :)
dhen mit ying
go visata point
sum ppl wen thome
sum stae
dhen pale plae
dhen ngiht lerhs
those go bak cum bak agin
help nic pirce tongue
nurt sucess
a disturbin image
dhen we go eat
dhen plae pale wit xiao nic
mi nail brk in to half
tmd kumpua pain norhs
dhen i was dhar crying
dhen daiyang was askin hw
xiao nic oso
dhen xiao nick piggy bak mi go pale ground
tupid zhen rui kip on laugh mi toe booos ~
dehn we plae a game of true or dare
i hab to kiss nicholas neo erxin puipuipui
zhen rui more erxin !!!!!!!!! puipui
xiao nick . his teeth sibei pain it emi tongue ERXIN PUI UPI
i oso gurt kiss ying
dhen tok on fone
haishhis feelinq fer mi fade lerhs
tok tuh nicholas neo cry norhs .
i oso dhuno why i cry
i stiu rmb slpin at his lap .at tianic
so memorable =]
cn sai dhar the dae i hab feelinq fer yoo barhs .
nw gone lerhs ...
is nbr gonna come bak ever again .............
tudae pon skuul sieens . ~
dhuno go wher . =[
=[[[[ *BOOOS
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
jus came bak home
tired tired !!
ok lets start mi day over again . ? :]
nurt interestin fer the startin of the day .
till science lesson
sci failed dhun dare tell mi mother :x
dehn we mi nd christinia sibeh dulan wit WONGZITING lorhs
she plk lurhs oweas hong tar borhs .
dhen mi nd christinia skip ms tan lesson
dhen we skipp oreadi 11.40
karen ong class .
went in took our exam paper
karen ong ask us tuh stand behind her fer whole period ?!?! =[
burt i am still happi , cosh i gurt 51 /80 HIGHEST *aheams ~
dehn it was CME
mrs tee did't came in , mr sara gurt mi lit reasult 28/50
nurt bad i pass :)
dehn was freakin excited
till hsitory i failled
fail real badly .
mood was dwn again
i fialled sci,math,geo,history
nd is important sub's
booos ~ :(
dhen went uth yenping claass outside waited wit ying
dhen go 137
ying was sayin xiao nick otuside wait fer mi .
lame SHIT !
dhen go outside denise ;george;nicholas ;millie;chris ; xiao eric ;sher
saw xiao eric quite surprise
did't tok tuh him cosh abt one matter PAST LERHS =]
dhen he kipp on soc mi big mouths *RAHHHS ~
dhen go cwp he kipp on di siao mi
dhen saw cindy wen zhong nd zhen rui
dhen mi nd ing kip on plae in carpark lyk crazie women
dehn go buy nose stud
dhen denise go mti boon kiat sher nd isabel dhuno go wher
cherylene laogong came *YAYS
so freakin miss her
dhen mi nd ying nd cherylene nd xiao nick go near wdl pri
puay daiji xiao nick bro .
gurt police .
dehn the si lisa so xia lan
she grut the indians
ying nd shermaine nd isabel firece ohs
nd denise ibei guai kans ?
we all there puay daiji
she there eatin crackers
dhen mi nd isabel ni ying cherylene sher wn beat lisa
farkin xialan lorhs throw wdl pri the face
dehn we all sad sad go bak at back eat sum otah dehn i throw otah paper tuh cherylene
she throw tuh xiao nick
dhen xiao nick wanted tuh throw mi
go throw an uncle
dhen the uncle sai who throw
dhen xiao ncik sai mi
dhen xiao nick so xialan
uncle sai i giv yoo wn tight slap
dhen go bak cwp cherylene nd mi kip on di siao xiai nick
dhen millie ying nd miao go carvarna
dhen saw zhen rui nd wen zhong
so mi cherylene xiao nick zhen rui nd wen zhong go titanic
dehn jame nd jackson came
jackson dye hair lorhs lyk rooster
dhen he DEI MI point middle finger
dhen wen zhong dey all bully mi
dhen miao qian came
dhen dey all fakrin bully mi jiu dui elrhs
stupiud jackson nd wen zhong
sibeh funni jackson nd wen zhong they spit salvia at the ''I LOVE JAMES EVER ''
dhen james ''CCB KNN'
dehn sta at tianic
ying cry =[
go an wei hers
dhen iyarhs
long story .
i love tudae EHEHEHHS /
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
todae tireed dae . =[
sieens .
so tudae gurt mi ego result i failed =[
but ms chew stiu encouraged mi , i kenw she haben given up on mie .
dhen is was recess , dhen ENG ?!?!
suay dao buay jia lan . =x
ms karen ong ?
i was lyk walkin frm the tolite to classroom
dhen karen ong behind mi . i quickly took out mi nsoe stud
dhen turn bak smile at her :]
her fsace is lyk AHEAM pontinak ?
brrrrs ~
or can i sai worst dhen a pontinak ? =x
it was quite alright fer mi during her class .
until wen her period was over
so i put bak mi nose stud
dehn suddenly she came frm bak dooor
which wher i am siting excalty -.-
she pulled mi ear HARD
nd pluck mi nose stud outs ?
dhen i was lyk chuai tio
nd was crusin her *KNN CCB GO HONNGAN LURHS
xialan's tchers
dehn it was arts .
sit outside the library draw the lame sch of marsiling
i wasn't drawin skuul drawin lolipops :]]
dhen is was home econ
tcher came late
so mi nd christinia walk around the skuul
dhen tcher came
she wasn't havin lesson wit us .*happi !
dhen we plae till siao in classroom
dhen dongqiong nd yenping was waitin fer mi outside classroom
dhen went tuh 137
eat maggie mee
dhen mi nd dongqiong yenping
go her hse dnwstair
wanted tuh mit xiaonick
dhen he so slw
lyk was sdiah
dhen i pek chei go hoem lurhs
yenping post is LAME IS NRUT ROMANTIC AT ALLL'S LAME SHIT ! ez link lsot ?
suay dao cnaut suay liaos
dhen xiao nick sai wad help mi find -.-
so i was farkin fark up
ok lurhs go eat dinner lerhs .
Sunday, May 14, 2006

mie and yang .

mie and reneta . =]]

i love him .

kiss *

skul gurl . guai kiah lehs mie . xDD

i`m addicted to lollipop . xPP

becosh of yoo .

mie and millie . ba0beis 184
Saturday, May 13, 2006

mie and millie baobeis . cutie she is hurhs ?

mie and isaac . couple shirt . wahahas ~

hug mie pls ! ~

i`ve learnt to be strong without yoo

i`m in the butterfly world .
yoyoyoyo ~
ytd wen outs wit denise nicholas neo ediwn nd george nd huilin
huilin came to my hosue first
she wore lolita a bit weird .=x
hahahs .
so went to the room i try on was a bit tight . huilin sai it reaali make mi skinny =]
use huilin foen took sum pic's
edited lerhs . =]
dhen huilin was naked but she wore a jacket dhen mi brother went in
dhen we went tuh yew tee mrt we waited so long =[ nicholas neo nd ediwn lurhs
so densie came first
dhen we sit mrt tuh jurong point
dhen huilin drop off at batok she went tuh mit xinmin
so mi nd nsie was chattin chat
dhhen millie is gonna mit us mi BAOBEIS horhs . :]
dehn she was wif gou lin
dhen we we went jp
densie go library find her ah yi first .
dhen mi millie nd guo lin go kfc
i took millei tuh buy fer mi zinger
she did't wn tuh
so i sa jiao wit her xDDD
nd in the end she boguht fer mi
dhen she ask gou lin buy hahahs .
dhen eat eat took sum pic was CANDID derhs
cosh she took der pic i did't c carefully dhen i sai
jowena:ncie wad so nbm
millie:wher gurt nice -.- ? c the eye lyk wad seh
jowena: ?*see carefully * EEEEE YAR LORHS DELETE AWAY !
hurhurs dhen i was laughin liek siao even nw =x
dhen nicholas neo nd ediwn nd george came
nd show the kuku face nd twist . '.'
dhen watch some bloody thingy
dhen millie was saying
millie:is dat xiu chun mei
jowena:no lurhs
millie:nrut meh ?
dhen slient a while
jowena:seen carefull* ya hor the ugly wn xDD
dhen nise came
nise nd nicholas was fighting DA SI QIN AI SI MA ? :]]
dhen went to arcade . nise wanted tuh dance para para but she wearin skirt
plus jurong point nuert nice
denise:will i c valrie huh ?
jowena:dhun tink so bahs
denise:i tell yoo hor if she c mi she dhun dare mi beat der larhs . she beat i cor ma da
dhen we were lyk so sieen in jurong point . dhen went uth interchanged
dhen went outside saw dora nd her stead
dhen we wnated tuh take mrt tuh bugis
dhen mi nd big bloody mouth sai go take bus
dhenthey all LAN LAN dhun wn go bugis
dhen waited fer huilin
dhen she came wit xinmin qiabn doreen ?
took the key nd comb
nicholas :yoo come bak jus fer the comb onlio arhs
huilin:mno la siao
dhen we were tok tok ediwn nd george smoke smoke
laugh laugh lyk nobdi karie
dhen fianlly a desicion came
go tuh sembwang !
so we took mrt
funni lorh took sum pics
dhen accompany nsie go home changed tuh pants
dhen went we gg .we yi bain walk yi biant ok abt the past .
haish the past SUX ! =[
dhen took bus go sembawang
went tuh cavarna eat
all greedy der edwin nd nicholas
go eat nsie food
dhen go arcade saw RENATAong
dhen went tuh plae ddr
ask ediwn tuh pale he stil cn dao dao stand dere
dhen i was struggling so hard tuh plae
ONGYENPING step on mi feet . >:/
dhen we were laughing . HAHAHS
dhen ongyenping was sms nonsense tuh xiaoncik ? '.'
nd tok nonsense to ?
wth . -.-
dhen the other was di siaoing . -.-
saw madeline frnedster SEEBAOCAI ? REEALI LYK BAOCAI HAHAS PINGY was eeeeeee
dhen went uth cwp find xiaonick was ONGYENPING idea HORHS !
dhen we go take bus .
denise so funni .
brain FREEZE .1!!!
dhen i try brian freeze
jwoena:ahh brian freeze !!
nicholas neo :brain freeze arhs . *pulled mi hair * -.-
dhen i pulled bak arhs denise was laughing lyk siao
dhen oen aprt beri funni
denise:nicholas neo stop bullying yenpng lurhs
nicholasneo:iw ehr gurt ! she beat mi lorhs i kipp blockin mi lorhs *doin tupid asction lyk piain*
dhen took bus i cry -.-
dhen millie hugged mi
dhen nichoals rub mi eye lyk gona come out . -.-
dhen denise was sayin hdun kaire later nrut nice make up smugde
so she put foundation fer mi
dhen i knew wad was ongyenpign doin -.-
she was corlin xiao ncik TINK I DUMB ARHS ?
dhen went tuh cwp mit xiaonick
tokin cock nd they kip on di siaomi
dhen went tuh titanic
hden go 338 densie so poor thing carry nicloasneo
dhen mi nd nsie nd millei boguht vodka .
dhen mi nd denise one mouth all go in
dhen i drank millie wn
haha si crazi eliaos
dhen i vomit outs .
i abt seh arhs
nearly kana car abng
car honk dhen i wake up .
dhen slep a while .
dhenw ent home
Stiu a bti tired
dehn yenpign corh mi i cor in xiao ncik telephone
told demy wan eat lurhs
dhen go slp xD
mronign wake up head beri heavy
dhen tudae gonna rot at hoem
sieens -.-
Thursday, May 11, 2006
so long haben been blogging
blogging is kinda sieens .
ok lurhs lets tok abt ytd .
no other dae tuh abt liaos .
ytd was freakin tired , but dhun wish tuh stae at home
so went outs , went tuh denise hse . so hanliang dey all's at interchanged
so i quickly cor yingg *GRINS
dhen ying was tokin tuh hanliang *blahblahs
dhen took bus tuh nsie hse
dhen we two tgt go cwp
saw shermaine ,zhen rui , fergus at carpark
dhen walk walk
dehn go eat
dhen shermaine go home
dhen we saw grace dey alls . tok tok
dhen went tuh carvarna
was otkin xin hui nd cherylene . ytd we becum laogong nd laopo
dhen zhongling was askin cherylene sum qns . she blur blur
dhen aft dat tok tuh cindy toktok
we do sum actions quite disgustin =x
zhen rui nd fergus saw AHAHHS =x
dhen mi cindy xin hui suyi denise fergus zhen rui go find edwin george nicholas nneo
hden go blk 16
dhen c wad tiao dan ? -.-
dhen i was sitin alone at the blk dhar .
i miss usm show
cindy nd valrie saw
they pirece their skin OMGso scary cn
dhen nsie came bak
so nicholas neo nd edwin bring us go c thoose ppl gurt poossed by those god ?
lyk sun wu kong ne za ? -.-
dhen it seem so real .
dhen edwin slwoly tell mi which godo isszit
so scary cn . -.-
dehn zhen rui go beat drum xD
dhen cindy nd mi nd valrie a perosn kena psoosed by a hell ghost
scary lorhs take one chopper nd a chain lyk wad seh
dhen beside mi go wad weapon made of metal i scared dhen accidentally push
dhen knock mi head dhen i siam hden scratch cindy =x
dhen i run awae arhs
scary i tell yoo SCARY !!!
dehn went tuh edwin hse "
pale comp
dhen george was so funni
cosh i wlak till wher thing will drop xDD
dhen went dwn stair mit xiao nick nd rui
so dey were di siaoin
dhen went home .
took taxi
so nw i am sians
no moeny tuh go outs booos ~
Monday, May 08, 2006
Time pass so fast .
i dhunwn . =[
tmr is gonna be our 1 mth .
but yoo no longer love mi .
we are sperated lerhs .
must happi =]
ok todae gurt lit *EASY && chinese listening *EASY
so aft dhar went off dhen dong qiong cum find mi .
dhen went tuh blk 137
saw everibody dhere .
dhen aft dhar millie densie sher chris all slowly go bak .
dhen edwin DADDI so bad . =[
dhen went tuh marsiling mrt wait fer huilin
dhen go my hse
they were screamin =.=
like nobodi kaires ,
dhen went off go jp
atho nth tuh shop -.-
dhen went tuh mit weixiong
he shoooo gud
help mi buy cigg
helpp mi beat till so straight *dhar wad millie sae
dhen half wae go all the wae tuh bukit batok find millie
she was wit her stead
so we waited fer demy tuh come
dhen they POOF APPEAR
dhen go mille hse dwnstair
was SMS-ING chattin wit huilin nd dq
smokin *arhemmes
dhen take pic . =]
dhen millie came dwn
chatted LAUGH
dhen smoke .
1 siao char borhs ? HUILIN
dhen walk home
here am i now
yoo found yur happiness . love realli hurts .
miss mi = ]
love MILLIE =] yoo were dere wen i am sad . <3>
Saturday, May 06, 2006